25 February, 2009


Wow, this month has disappeared. I thought that I would do a very quick over view of February since I did not post much. I have to admit the biggest reason for that was our laptop cord expired. We ordered a new one, but it took three weeks to get here. I could have used the desk top, but I love sitting in my comfy bed with my kids quietly snoring in their beds when I do my blogging.

Well most of this month was spent doing normal day to day activities like taking care of my family, babysitting, cleaning, shopping, and etc., but a lot was spent trying to figure out what are family is going to do for at least the next few years. We figured out at the beginning of this month that something was really up with the Clark County School district. Kent and his fellow science ARL teachers who were all assured at the beginning of the year that they were needed, realized that non of them were getting jobs. Las Vegas High school, where Kent was filling a science position as a long term sub, put his name in for hire three times and the school district kept kicking it back out. We knew something was wrong so we started weighing our options, and preparing for the worst. This past Thursday we got the confirmation. The school district is not hiring any more teachers because they are undergoing serious budget cuts and just can't afford it even though they are needed. After talking to his principle on Friday, Kent came to the conclusion that he was not going to waist any more of his time working as a full time sub for the sucky class he had doing all the work of a full time teacher, but not getting paid the salary nor the benefits. He is now doing day to day subbing for now, and using his time after school to find something more permanent.

We are crossing our fingers on a teaching position in Nye county school district at Puhrump Valley high school about an hour and a half away. We'll see what happens in the next couple weeks, but for now we are surviving and looking forward to what the future may bring. One thing for sure is Kent is much happier and that makes me happy.

20 February, 2009

Cool hair blog

So I have not posted very much this month. I have been pretty busy babysitting, and we havn't been doing anything very exciting as a family. I did want to point out that I added a button to an awesome website that I love. It is all about cool hair ideas for girls, and even a little about adoption. My friend Kirsten e-mailed me about it earlier this week, and I have been on it looking for new ideas every single day this week. Even Aurora, who normally for the past six years of her life fights me every day to let me do her hair, likes the website. She has had fun checking out the do's and telling me which one she wants me to do to her. It has made the mornings alot easier amazingly! I would have taken some pictures, but we are still without a camera currently. Hopefully I will be getting one soon (a late valentines present). Check out the website it is way cute!! And thank you Kirsten for the e-mail!

02 February, 2009

Yea, 6 more weeks of winter!

The famous Punxsutawney Phil was pulled out of his log today in front of 13,000 people to get a good look at his shadow, and according to the long history of Groundhogs day that means 6 more weeks of winter! I know many of you are groaning, but I have to admit I am very happy. If you live or have ever lived in Vegas, you understand, too, I am sure. The summers are so killer hot here, and spring would mean that summer is that much closer. People move to Vegas for the winters definitely not the summers. Besides, it already does feel like spring. January's average for the month was in the 60's. So I say, YEEAAAA winter, stay for as long as you want. I think I need to do a winter (rain) dance.